Elephant in the Room

Vote NO on the Ridgefield Budget Addendum
May 10, 2010, 7:32 am
Filed under: Education, Local Issues

Up to this point in writing the blog I have discussed federal and state issues almost exclusively, but today I am going to briefly touch on a local issue. I live in Ridgefield, CT and tomorrow the town will be voting on the new Board of Finance budget. I urge all Ridgefielders to go and vote NO on all nine questions on the budget referendum. This bill will only cost the town’s taxpayers more money and here’s the kicker: it won’t even do anything to improve the town’s education. The money that is being appropriated is wasteful and anyone who believes this money will go towards good is misled in their assumptions. It is difficult to read through the Ridgefield Press this week and avoid the issue, but here are my quick two cents regarding the budget vote.

Here is the basic fact of the case. The town plans on spending $2 million that will result in an immediate 1.97% for all town residents (at least for now- that number will in all likelihood increase in a matter of months). This comes at a time when many Ridgefielders are still facing the effects of the tough economy. The town has never seen this many foreclosures and almost 70 residents remain unemployed. The town plans to expand the kindergarten program to full-time (as opposed to the current half-time program they have had for years) which will result in a $700,000 increase to the elementary program. The Board of Education claims that this increase is necessary for the early development of young children and prepares them for the rest of their education. This is a blatant waste of money. The kindergarten program in Ridgefield has worked as is since well before I attended kindergarten. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with expanding educational programs that are useful, but is giving a five year old another couple hours to figure out how to count to 10 and build Lego forts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars to the average middle class worker on a strict budget as I am. Other questions on the addendums include appropriating $44.7 million to give our moronic First Selectman to operate town departments (which is 3% more than last year), and other budget financing issues. The main issue on tomorrow’s ballot, however, remains to be over the kindergarten issue where supporters claims it prepares kids for school, but we should not be paying more for a program that does little for education reform.  The Board of Education should be looking to figure out cost-cutting solutions to what they see as “problems,” not punishing the taxpayers when many of us will be paying for programs that will not pay dividends.

I encourage all Ridgefielders to cast a NO on each of the questions on the addendum ballot. Any Ridgefield taxpayer may vote tomorrow (including non-resident taxpayers) at Yanity Gym between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. You can find the most up-to-the minute news on the issue here, and I will post the results of the vote once they become available. Make sure your tax money goes to necessary programs, not increased for unnecessary ones.

Update (5/11/10)- All items on the addendum were approved by the voters. The school budget that expanded the kindergarten program passed by a vote of 2,578 Yes to 2,366 No.